Saturday, May 19, 2012

Time Flies

Just when I think time can't seem to go by any faster it does.  I guess filling the days with work, school, homework, baseball practice, little league games, family time, holidays, dbacks games and volunteer work our days just seem to fly by. After a very busy spring I am looking forward to summer vacation! This morning Connor said to me, "Mom, what is vacation?" So I started telling him all about it.  I told him at first we would be having some doctor appointments for both of the boys.  Then I reminded him about swim lessons, soccer camp ("Mom, what is soccer camp?), Friday Movies, Vacation Bible School, his birthday, trip to California, playing with friends, no real schedule, yadda, yadda, yadda.  His eyes got real wide and he just started hugging me.  He is such a homebody. Although he likes going to his school and he enjoys his "grandpa days", when it comes down to it he really loves being at home. After being gone all day it is hard for me to get him to leave the house again! 

This morning I was going to sit down and upload pictures, then the battery on my camera went out so now that is charging. (Really?)  The other camera is at grandpa's again so I can't get those.  I know there is a month full of activities to wade through, so watch out for a massive update coming soon because we have been busy!  

Only 3 1/2 more days of school left... but who is counting????!!!  I really love teaching, but I also love my breaks with just my boys.  Taking time to decompress and rejuvinate the spirit is always a good thing!  Bring on the summer!


mad white woman said...

I've noticed time seems to go faster the busier I am.

We'll definitely have to get together this summer! We don't have big plans (yet) so we need some fun things to keep us busy with.

Mary Ann said...

Lisa, I know I keep saying this, but your boys are growing up so fast! I remember Travis as a little fellow, and there are not words to describe that little fellow Connor. What a cutie! Travis looks grown. He sure knows how to hold and swing that bat!
I'm glad you enjoy teaching. I did, too. Best wishes to all.