Ok, so I promised some pictures from the past! We just can hardly believe Travis has been with us for 4 years now. We were remembering today what court was like, what we did after court and when we went to pick him up from the orphanage that afternoon at 3:00. They handed him to me, I changed his clothes and they literally rushed us out the door because we had to go straight to the picture place to get his passport picture taken. While I did that, Daryle gave a donation to the orphanage and none of us looked back. We were thrilled, excited, amazed this day had finally come yet nervous to be first time parents to this already 16 month old baby. He weighed 15 pounds and was 28 inches long. He wore 6-9 month clothing. From that instant he became our world and we became his world too. Here are some pictures that we hold dear to our hearts.
This first picture many of you may remember...it was our referral picture of Travis at around 4 months old. We carried this picture everywhere with us for 10 1/2 months!!!

Here is the passport picture...isn't that the cutest??!! I know he looks absolutely terrified, I had to sit in a chair behind this white sheet and hold him on my lap. He wasn't very happy, but we love this little picture anyway!

Here is the card we sent out announcing our son!!

The little girl in the background is the image that has been haunting us for the past 4 years. On one of our visits this little girl was just staring at us (mostly Daryle). Daryle wanted to pick her up so badly, but we were not to have any contact with any of the children. I didn't even realize we got her in a picture. We were told her name was Sasha and that her parents were coming to get her the following week. We really hope that was true. It was because of seeing children like her that we feel called to return to Russia for our second adoption. She was/is a beautiful little girl!

Travis was barely walking when we brought him home. Look how tiny those legs and arms were!!

A cute picture taken after being home for a few weeks. I can see some life coming alive in those eyes!

Our first official family portrait!

Our first try to get a cute picture for the Christmas card.....that didn't happen!! All we got was this!! Oh well, that only lasted about a year and now he poses for pictures all the time!

Before his first hair cut.

This was taken on our one year anniversary of Gotcha Day-2005.

Hope you enjoyed my little trip down memory lane. We plan on going out to dinner tonight to celebrate. We have started a little tradition on Gotcha Day. Since we can't send things to Travis' orphanage directly we decided to help children in a different way. Twice Travis has been to the hospital and has been able to recieve a toy from Andrea's Closet. (For sick children at the hospital). We decided last year that every year we will go shopping and donate toys to Andrea's Closet for other children who are sick and in the hospital. It made all of us feel good to bring cheer to a child's day as we celebrate our own special day. Happy Gotcha Day, Travis!!
It's amazing what love can do. Even after just a week. You are such a role model family. Thanks for being such a good example!
Ahhh ... Gotcha Day. I LOVE Gotcha Day!!! I have had the distinct pleasure of celebrating Gotcha Day every year so far, and each one is just as touching as the first. I love watching and listening to Travis. He is so much fun! However, there have been hurdles that I thought he would never be able to overcome. He has pleasantly proven me wrong. Here are just a few memories.
1. I didn't think he would ever sit in his high chair to eat a meal. There was lots of sobbing by Travis. (maybe a bit from Mom & Dad too). :) I told them maybe they should take that brand new chair back to the store and get their money back and that we all could take turns holding him during meals. They were not about to listen to me which was a good thing because before too long he loved his chair. Of course, then he would only eat cherios, but not the broken ones. He threw them on the floor or lined them up neatly on the side of the tray. At one point I was thinking of buying stock in the cherios company.
2. Bathtime was very traumatic for the first 6 weeks or so.
But Lisa & Daryle lovingly gave him a bath every night until one night, miraculously, there was no screaming and instead I heard laughing and giggling. Whew!!! That was a welcome surprise.
3. I didn't think he would ever get into a jumpy house or go down the big slide at McDonals's. This took a long time, maybe a year or so. It broke my heart because I knew he was missing out on all the fun. But one day he took the plunge and now he is an old pro on all the big toys. It is so much fun to watch him having fun!
As all of my friends and family know, Travis is my favorite pasttime whether it be watching him, listening to him, playing cars and trains with him, or just plain hanging out with him.
Now we all anxiously await for news on the new arrival.
God Blesss You, Travis, on Gotcha Day! Blessings to Mom & Dad too!
How exciting! We will be praying for you again! Travis is so cute and it is fun to see how he has grown. One suggestion about the cast...save the picture, and not the cast to remind you of the ordeal. We would have to have a whole closet for things like that (or room!)if we had saved those nasty things. Nice blog--I will have to check it out more often to keep in touch, since we never get around for visiting! We do love your family and think of you often.
Love, Aunt Helen
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