Morning time has been going more smoothly around here for the past few days. (With that being said, I sure hope I didn't just jinx myself!) For months mornings have been rough. When Connor first came home Travis had *some* control issues. He had to be up before Connor. He had to choose what Connor ate (never mind that Connor already knew what he wanted to eat and Travis would insist on the opposite!). He wanted to dress him (against Connor's will). He wanted to control what was on the
tv. Or what music was playing on the CD player. Where I sat. Where Connor sat. Well, I think you get the picture! Travis just could not, would not give Connor some space. Gradually over time Travis has learned to let go and just let Connor make his own decisions. Once I let Travis fix Connor's breakfast and help out things seemed to get better. Just when those problems were resolving a new crop appeared. A few months ago Connor decided to start climbing out of his crib. We had to take down the side rail and convert it to a toddler bed. Thus began "freedom" time for Connor! He was waking up in the middle of the night, turning on lights,
tv, playing, etc. After a few weeks of that he started sleeping all night. Then began the waking up at 4:30 in the morning routine. That was enough to do us all in!! Then FINALLY it happened! Last week Connor began sleeping until about 6:00 in the morning. This was great as it allowed me to get up, showered, and dressed BEFORE having to watch Connor (and make sure he didn't run out into the backyard! One morning he did get out, he was not dressed because he ran away from me as I was dressing him. He ran to the swing and then declared "TOO COLD! I GET DRESSED NOW!" He finally figured it out and hasn't done it again since.
lol) I really hope that the sleeping until 6 or 6:30 continues. One morning this past week Travis woke up first. Connor slept until 6:45... Hallelujah! When he woke up he ran to Travis, gave him a BIG bear hug and they sat on the floor and cuddled. Of course it was a Kodak moment. (Don't laugh. Moments like these are few and far between, I need to record them to prove to myself that they actually happened!!)

I can handle more mornings like this! Even though motherhood can be quite stressful, I am so thankful for these two blessings in my life. I can't imagine what life would be like without them! Even though they can make me feel like I am going crazy some days I wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world!