I have to say this was one of the best Christmas' I can remember in recent years. It wasn't because anybody got some huge present. It wasn't because we spent tons and tons of money. It wasn't due to anything in particular except for the pure joy I experienced through my children. Mostly Connor. He is just the most precious 4 year old I know. I am pretty sure I know why he was sent to be in our family. He is a pure breath of fresh air.. well 95% of the time anyway! The past three days have been so much fun I feel like I must be living some other life. I know that sounds strange, but really it is the truth. I don't want to jinx anything.. but... everybody is getting along, behaving, and enjoying every minute of the holiday season. Not that I haven't enjoyed previous years, but there has been something different, if not magical, about Christmas in our house this year.
On Christmas Eve morning the boys helped make cookies for Santa. Yes, I let them get on the counter top. It was the only way they could both reach the dough. (Well that was their story anyway, and they were sticking to it!)
Christmas presents arrived in these boxes so the boys wanted to pretend they were actual presents. Silly kids... see how much money we could all save?? Give them each a box and they are in heaven.
Later that afternoon they got bathed and dressed up as "matchers". Believe it or not, but they do enjoy dressing alike. I will go with it as long as they will let me!
The traditional pictures in front of the tree on Christmas Eve.
We met my mom, dad and my grandma for Mexican food. This has become a sort of tradition with us. Here I am with my mom and my grandma. I cherish every moment I get to spend with my grandma. Even though it can be hard to carry on a conversation with her it made me feel warm inside to see her face light up when I told her about my cousin's new baby girl.
As soon as we got there Connor went right up to my grandma to give her a giant hug. He is such a sweetheart and he loves his Great Grandma a lot!
After dinner we went to 8:00 Mass at our church. In the front of the church they have had a nativity set out but there was no Baby Jesus. Before we went inside we went to check it out and low and behold the Baby Jesus was there! I wish I had taken a video to show his joy and excitement about the baby being in the manger. This smile will have to do for now.
Not long after we sat down Connor was passed out, fast asleep in Daryle's arms. I am not sure what Daryle was more excited about... Connor sleeping or Connor sleeping in his arms.
When we got home it was a mad dash to get things ready for Santa. We had been tracking him on Norad all day long. At this time he was hitting the East Coast and he was moving quickly. We put out some reindeer food....
and set out both plain and chocolate milk (per Santa's request the other day) along with our fresh baked cookies. We couldn't forget the carrots for the reindeer too! Travis even left Santa a note.
I am so glad he is a believer. It makes Christmas that much more fun!
The boys had each asked Santa for new bikes. Santa did not disappoint at all!
Grandpa got them each "hunting hats" which they proudly wore.
Connor is a car guy. He can pick a Mustang (or a Camero, or any other car for that matter) out a mile away! He requested a Mustang calendar for Christmas. Of course mom and dad searched high and low for one. It was a hit, just look at that smile! I can still picture him looking at each month shouting, "OOH, yeah, look at THAT one!!" over and over again.
Daryle got this hat made for Travis, he was so proud. Travis loves it.
I forgot to bring my camera to my parent's house. We had a wonderful time there as well. We opened gifts and my dad cooked steaks on the grill. Everything was delicious. Once we got home and all settled in I walked in Connor's room to find this. It has never happened before but I hope it happens a lot more often in the new year.

I don't have video of the day but I have to tell you it was as if the Christmas bug hit Connor this year. From the moment he woke up to the moment his head hit the pillow he was full of smiles, hugs, I-love-yous, thank yous and "this is just what I wished for" comments. All. Day. Long. He never missed a beat. Travis had a great day too, don't get me wrong. But for Connor it was as if he was experiencing it for the very first time. It was in a way that he seemed to understand what was going on. For the past four weeks we have been lighting the candles on our advent wreath in anticipation of the birth of Jesus. One night he and I were eating dinner by ourselves and he asked me to light the candles and say the prayers. It was just the two of us. I loved it. Like all kids he was pretty excited about Santa too, don't misunderstand. I just think he took it all in, soaked it all up, and was so joyful about every moment.
I just want to bottle this Christmas up so I can take it out and revisit this day in the years to come.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any better the boys and I had the most awesome day today. We all rode our bikes to Dunkin' Donuts for a donut (and coffee for me) and then we rode to a neighborhood park. It was so much fun. I have waited years for days like this. And now I got 3 of them in a row.
If this week is any indication, I think that 2013 is going to be the best year yet!