Travis wanted to move bedrooms and said he wanted a Raiders theme. So, after MUCH convincing mom it wouldn't be too bad, we did it. I have had a lot of compliments on it, I am pretty proud of how it turned out. For the record, the gray is called "Mickey's Shadow" and the black is called "Cinema Star". I am really impressed with the Disney color collection at Home Depot. Also, this border is actually a big adhesive sticker! Having scraped a lot of wallpaper out of my house in Memphis, I am not eager to go down that road again. I was so happy to find a border like this, it went on well and looks really good. He hasn't officially "moved in" yet, but here is a glimpse of how it turned out.

I am not sure the pictures do it justice, I think it looks better in person!
At this point, Friday the 13th seemed to be going ok, not much, I finished painting his room ( I was so worried about using black paint, phew, no catastrophes with that!) and we decided to try out the brand new McDonald's just down the street from us for lunch. We got back home and Travis went out back with the dog and I was putting some items into the dryer. All of a sudden I heard a loud "CRASH!!" I had no idea what that was, it sounded really bad and not normal. I ran out and looked at the sliding glass door by my kitchen ... the entire door was shattering before my very eyes! I ran through my bedroom to the backyard yelling for Travis and Rock. After a total panic meltdown from mom, I finally got the story out of Travis. I guess it was a complete accident, he was digging in the rocks and one rock flung up and hit the door and shattered it. I compare it to something that could have happened from the weed eater kicking up a rock or something. I was FURIOUS!!! I figured dad would be just as mad, if not madder. Well, he got home, talked to Travis and ended up telling him all about the time he kicked a soccer ball through the window when he was younger. Male bonding I guess. Anyway, I am still mad, this window is "energy efficient" blah blah blah and will be over $400 to replace!!! AAAHHH! I don't need that right now, however, I am very glad that nobody was harmed and that I didn't have the $800 window in my house that the man on the phone was asking me about. Here is a picture of what it looked like this morning before Daryle cleaned it up.

So, that is how our break is going so far. Aren't you happy you stopped by??!! I am hoping things will start to look up for the Hawes Clan. I am hoping and praying that Alla finds our child and we are able to make our trip. If all goes as planned Daryle and I will be on a plane to Russia next Saturday! I can't believe it...actually, I don't think I will believe it until I am sitting on the plane. I am just nervous that it will all be called off at the last minute, and that is a very real possibility if Alla does not find us our child within the week. Until then, we are staying inside where it is safe and cozy. 

1 comment:
The paint/border in Travis' new room looks great. I can't believe that happened to that window. My mom told me about it so I'm glad you posted a picture of it. :)
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