Friday, May 6, 2011

Boys Night Out

Last Saturday Daryle took the boys to a Monster Truck show.  Yes. Both boys.  Without me. He did bring his friend so that he wasn't out numbered though!  Daryle and Travis have gone several times before in the past, but this was Connor's first visit. To say he loved it is an understatement!  He has been talking about it all. week. long.  I was just happy to have a few hours to myself. Absolute bliss for me! Here are some pictures from their adventure together. 

The highlight of the evening was Robosaurus.  Evidently when he came out Daryle lost the feeling in his neck because Connor was holding on so tightly!  He was entranced by the fire breathing, car eating dinosaur.  Once he figured out that it ate CARS and not little BOYS he loved this thing.  When it started to leave he got quite upset. As Daryle said, it was a roller coaster of emotions in a very short period of time!

As you can imagine Connor has been talking about Robosaurus all week long. Even just now when he saw these pictures we had to look at all of them. He had to show me the sharp teeth and as we looked at the pictures he made different types of growling noises!  I think something like this would have scared the you-know-what out of me when I was 2 years old!  LOL  Not my Connor. Like I have said before, this boy has NO FEAR!  As for me, I completely enjoyed my evening to myself. I can't wait until they go again!