Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Adventure Part 1

Well, Connor and I couldn't let Travis have ALL the fun in California!  We headed out on a jet plane on Tuesday morning. I must say, Connor is becoming quite the traveler, just like his big brother! It is sooo nice when they reach the age where they can take off their shoes and push their things through the security system. No stroller, diaper bag or holding a baby for dear life because he might run off any minute!!
 Checking out the planes... he wanted to know what the plane's name was. As I was trying to explain that I didn't know a man said, "Oh, his name is George!" Now why didn't I think of that?? It satisfied him immediately!
 On the plane...yes his teeth are blue...sometimes a sucker is in order to keep him entertained! (and still!!)
 Connor enjoyed his airplane snacks.
 FINALLY!!! I see who Travis missed the most! He ran right for Connor first!!
 Once we got to grandma's it was all about saying hello to Charles... the cat!
 We wasted no time at all. Straight to the park we went. First we took a train ride.
 Then Connor got his first carousel ride. I didn't realize he had never been on one until we were standing there waiting for the ride to start!
 We had to ride the horses too.

I have so many pictures from each day that I have decided to do them in a few posts over the next few days.  The first day we got there it was pretty hot, for Santa Rosa anyway.  After that the weather was absolutely beautiful! I miss it already!

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