Yesterday we had a huge Welcome Home/Happy Birthday party for Connor. We ended up having about 78 people in our house to celebrate! (For those of you that were here, sorry it got so hot! I tried setting the air low but there were so many people in here!!) We are so thankful for so many friends and family that came over to celebrate with us. People were amazed at how well he did. He was so happy the entire time, he went to anybody and everybody. I even caught him right in the thick of things playing with a bunch of kids. He held his own, it probably felt like he was back in Russia! lol However, we couldn't let the weekend go without some type of "drama". On Saturday morning my dad woke up with a swollen face. My mom took him to an emergency dentist, they sent them to the emergency room and then he ended up being admitted and had surgery on Sunday morning/afternoon!! My poor mom!! Of course we had the whole weekend planned and coordinated to get everything together and it all went right out the window. In the end it all worked out, everybody had fun and I am so thankful this weekend is OVER! My dad got out of the hospital this afternoon (I think the nurses were glad to get rid of a cranky old man...sorry dad!) and he is at home resting. He should make a full recovery. I was of course worried about my dad, but I was even more worried about my mom because she was emotional and driving all over the place between the hospital and my house not to mention worrying about this party. She is such a strong person, she held it together and made it through with flying colors! Hooray Mom!! Now she will probably sleep for the rest of the week, I know I would if I were her! ;-) Thanks Mom for everything, we couldn't have pulled it off without you!
Now we are entering week 2 of being home. Connor seems to be getting into a schedule and he seems to feel very comfortable at home. He goes to bed so easily now, thank goodness! Travis has started soccer camp this week, he is loving that. Running and kicking a soccer ball for 3 hours is a great way to get out some energy!! We are looking forward to the Fourth of July because it will be Connor's first big holiday with us. I wonder what he will think of the fireworks?
I will end this endlessly long post with a few of my favorite pictures from the past week. Enjoy!

I keep telling Travis, "A sleeping baby is a HAPPY baby!"
Watching daddy mow the lawn in the backyard.
Watching morning television together.
We went out to lunch with my grandma so she could get a visit with Connor before the big party on Sunday. We have a picture with me included (4 generations!) but it is on my mom's camera, of course! So here are Connor and Travis with Grammy and Great Grandma.
Connor right in the middle of things during the party. He had such a great time!
Connor found out about balloons....and he LOVES them.