Last Saturday was the final game for the Muckdogs. Travis earned 3 stars (Daryle's great idea for rewarding the kids for good plays and sitting on their mats! I take no credit for that one!) Here he is showing off his hard earned stars. I will be happy to have my Saturdays back for awhile!

Meanwhile...this is where Connor spent most of his morning. Climbing. That is the talent he has perfected this week. Yep, you guessed it, he climbed out of his crib yesterday morning. I am not ready for that!! lol

This coming Saturday is 70's Night at the Diamondbacks. Daryle always dresses up and this time Travis wants to participate as well. So, they tie dyed some shirts. They had to do more than one to get the "perfect shirt". They are still working on it. Stay tuned for the final result.

Monday was not the best day. First, I got a call that our house in Memphis was being swarmed by termites. Well, after I called I told her it was probably flying ants. They always come this time of year. So, after agreeing to send out the exterminator I thought my day would be ok. About an hour after that I got a call from Connor's babysitter. I had told her I noticed a blister on his foot over the weekend and I was keeping an eye on it. Well, it popped and instead of oozing clear it oozed yellow. She called me right away. Given his history I called the dr to ask if this was normal. Of course they said to bring him in. So I did. Let me tell you, when I picked him up we looked at the blister and it looked just like a blister. By the time I got to the dr (about 30 min.) and took off his sock and band aid this is what we saw.

See that red line going up his foot? That is the infection spreading!! I couldn't believe it. It spread that fast. Thank goodness she called me when it popped. With any other child you might not think much of it, but with Connor you have to be so careful. He started an antibiotic and things are clearing up for him. I am still waiting to hear back from the dr, she tried to run a culture on it but there wasn't much there. We got a stronger medicine this time, thank goodness. With the band aid and medicine on his foot I put Connor to bed with socks on his feet to keep the band aid on. When I went to check on him this is what I found.

It seems they were learning about sock puppets that day so that is where he put his socks! I can't believe he fell asleep like this! Never a dull moment, that's for sure! So, how do you wear your socks??
1 comment:
It's amazing how magical stars can be.
Poor little Connor! I hope his blister is all better now. And that's really funny he put his socks on his feet. Ha.
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