Boy how time flies. Just two years ago Daryle and I took a leap of faith and jumped on the adoption roller coaster ride for the second time. We just knew we had another child in Russia. Each day I look at Connor with amazement. He is such a blessing to our family. It is so exciting that tomorrow I will be able to celebrate Mother's Day with both of my children. On Friday I got my first ever homemade Mother's Day gift from Connor. (He has the best babysitter ever by the way! And yes, Travis made one for me years ago and of course I still have it and always will! Thanks Amber!) He was so proud of his flower pot filled with M&M's and Skittles (he kept wanting to eat them all!) and he colored it so nicely. I will treasure it forever.

So then Travis decided to give me his gift he made at school. He even got to wrap it all by himself. I just had to take a picture, I just love his gift wrapping techniques!

I opened it and found this cute poem and flowers. On each cupcake wrapper was something Travis promised to do for me. They said clean, vacuum, bath. For bath I was told that meant he would give Connor a bath for me... by himself...I kindly thanked him for the thoughtfulness but assured him that Connor would be taking his bath with adult supervision. He was ok with that. Phew.

He was so funny. He had to vacuum right away, no time to lose! He actually did a pretty good job too. He is a great helper! That was an awesome gift too!

For so many years I longed to be a "Mom" or "Mommy" or "Mama" to somebody. I can remember the last two or three years before finally having Travis home I would get sort of depressed about it. It was especially hard at church when they would ask all of the Mom's to stand for a special blessing at the end of Mass. I would just sit there. Sometimes I would get teary eyed too. So now every year on this day I say special prayers for other women who are in the same shoes I was in. I pray for the people who are going through things like infertility, adoption, miscarriage, etc. etc. Those are feelings you just never forget completely, they are ingrained in you. I also pray for all of the other moms out there, especially those who have made the choice to put their children up for adoption because they know it is what will be the best for the child. I get to celebrate Mother's Day because of two woman who made that difficult life altering decision. I wonder how often they think about the sons they gave up for adoption. I hope they have comfort and peace in their hearts and know that they are very much loved, are thriving, and are growing up in a family who would do anything for them and who loves them unconditionally. I will be forever grateful to these women for loving these boys so much that they made the choice to give them a family who could provide a loving home for them. It is because of these women that two little boys now call me "Mommy" and in turn they have a Mommy to hold them and love them forever. I hope I can raise my boys to eventually understand the ultimate sacrifice that was made for them from the moment they were born. I know in my heart that it was pure destiny. They were always meant to be our children. How can you look at these two little smiles and not know that??

Happy Mother's Day!
Amen Lisa. Loved your words.
What a wonderful post! Happy Mother's Day to you my friend!
You are so sweet. I am so glad you are a mother, your boys are so lucky. Happy Mother's Day!
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