I found some new pictures that I guess I forgot about! The night before Uncle Rob left to go back to Seattle Travis decided to call him up and request him to come visit before bedtime. Since Uncle Rob is such a great guy he obliged. Here are the boys with their Uncle just before bedtime. They enjoyed having him over and getting him all to themselves for a few hours!

This is where Connor prefers to sit and eat from now on. I have been letting him eat his breakfast there, and in this picture he was eating lunch on a weekend. However, he still sits in his highchair for dinner. I have his booster chair all set up at the table, but he doesn't want to sit there. When he sits at the counter he looks like such a BIG kid! I can't believe he will be 2 in just 6 short weeks!

Here are the boys with their beloved dog. Rock is so good with them. I can't believe how big Travis looks in this picture, he is growing up so fast!

Connor was home sick today because he has been running a fever all weekend. Of course he woke up this morning feeling better. I still took him to the dr to have him checked out. I guess it was a virus. So, I just put him down for his nap and went to check on him. This is what I saw.

The bad part, the part where I don't get my "Mother of the Year Award" was when he woke up 15 minutes later screaming in pain. Apparently this little leg was actually stuck! I pulled and pulled and was about 60 seconds away from either calling 911 or getting out a saw. Fortunately for us both I got it out. Phew. Another catastrophe averted.
Sam sticks her legs through, too. And, then they get stuck. I have tried to pull up the bumper pad, etc... and it still happens. So sad!
I love finding miscellaneous pictures. Clara got her leg stuck in her crib once and it was tricky trying to lift her up and turn her leg at the same time, but my motherly powers figured it out.
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