Every year the leprechauns come to our house the night before St. Patrick's Day. Usually they leave some Lucky Charms and other trinkets. This year they didn't disappoint! They left each boy a green shirt (and this year they even left mom and dad each a green shirt too!), some gold coin candy and a green bowl to eat their cereal out of. They even turned our milk green... again! Here is Connor with a huge smile, he thought this was pretty neat!
Travis will still wear all the fun stuff and let me take his picture. He is such a good sport! (He looks like a giant to me in this picture.)
The yearly pose for the day. I need a March picture for the yearly calendar for the family. Phew, I got a decent one! (Things can get tricky with Connor, he doesn't always cooperate with pictures!)
I let them do a silly pose and this is what we got.... "Peace Out" they said!
I hope you all had a nice St. Patrick's Day yesterday! I like celebrating this little holiday and I can honestly say I am part Irish. St. Patrick's Day always makes me think of my grandma, she has always liked this day too. She has always been the one to tell me about our Irish roots. Ireland is one place I would love to visit one day. My grandma had the chance to take a trip there once and she just loved it. I enjoyed seeing all of her pictures and hearing all about her trip. Hopefully one day I will make it there too! I will leave you with an Irish Blessing, one of my favorites.

You forgot this part, Lisa!
May your glass be ever full.
May the roof over your head be always strong.
And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.
That one was/still is my favorite!
I didn't do a single thing for St. Patty's Day. Not one thing. Sad, right? :)
So glad you shared your day, Lisa. I went to a parade in Old Sacramento, then came home and cooked corned beef and cabbage. Yum. St. Pat's is big in my part of the state, and I knew quite a few of the Celtic club folks in the parade. Lots of fun!
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