I guess part of this weekend is to help us prepare for when we have to be away from Travis for so long when we go to Russia. We have been away from him for two nights, we have never been apart from him for more than one night! It is really wierd. We agree that if we weren't at home it would be different, but we have been home each night with no Travis. It is good for all of us because in just three weeks we will be gone a whole week from him. Now I feel more confident that we will all survive!! (Oh, and as a side note, I was joking in my previous post about being a "bad adoptive parent" for leaving him with the grandparents. Some people are so sensitive...) ;-)
We have been pleasantly surprised at how much we have been enjoying our pre-adoptive parenting classes. We have met a lot of new people and have even met others that are also adopting from Russia too. It is nice to start building a network locally. We have one more session today from 12:30-4:30 and then we can put that behind us. We have learned some new things and have also been validated about a lot of things we have done with Travis. Attachment and bonding can be so tricky, but at least we know that we did the right things with Travis when we got him home. I can only pray we will be so lucky the second time around. Attachment is so important and having a child that is not attached can be scary, but the good part that we learned is that it can be "healed" with a lot of love and patience. So now I know what to do if things aren't going well and what we can do to start correcting things as soon as possible.
I need to go get a little bit of housework done before we head out for our afternoon session. It will be a whirlwind week, I will be so happy when it is all over so I can start putting 100% of my attention towards our trip and getting both of the boys bedrooms ready for them. I am so ready for some of the "fun" parts of our whole journey!!
I still remember when my dad went to your house a little bit ago and was talking to me about how much Travis had changed since you brought him home. He said, "It's amazing what love does." I get a little teary-eyed every time I think about it because it IS amazing. Travis and the next little dude are so incredibly lucky.
Thanks Anna! Love is an amazing thing. We are all so lucky!
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