On Monday I decided to let Travis stay home from school and get some much needed rest. That meant that Connor and I got to stay home as well. I am so glad we did, Travis slept in until 9:00. That is unheard of in our house! We stayed home all day, we didn't go anywhere and Travis stayed in his pajamas until 3:00. He really felt like he was cool stuff for doing that. Yes Travis gets sick a lot, but he never really stays home from school for it. It always seems like I take him in to the doctor after school or on a weekend so by the time school rolls around again he is on his meds and feeling better. Plus, 99% of the time it is a sinus infection which aggravates his asthma. It's nothing contagious and is just something we live with. The bad part is that he has basically had this one since August. Now we are thinking of getting another CT scan and discussing possible surgery. Again. He had it done 3 years ago and it didn't really give him much relief. He had 9 months of no infection. I don't call that a great success story. So we have to decide again. Be on antibiotics all the time or try surgery again and hope that since he is older that it goes better. His ENT and I go around and around about it all the time. Hopefully we can figure something out. Soon. We are all getting tired of this vicious circle. Anyway, since I let Travis stay home this time he didn't know what to do with himself. It was then that I realized he has never really had a sick day to stay home when he actually didn't feel well. He usually strives for perfect attendance! I think we had a pretty good time. Here is a little bit of what we were up to.

Santa brought a box of 24 containers of playdough and some pretty cool accessories. Finally we had a chance to break it all out. I really like playdough, I know lots of people who cringe at the thought of it. We only have to worry about the dog. He likes to eat it. Other than that I just get out the vacuum when we are done and we call it a day.

Travis wasn't feeling too well so he just took out all of the new containers, examined them and then put them back into the box. Connor was the one who was busy mixing away. He created black from his red and green containers that he mixed. It's a good thing playdough is pretty cheap. Oh, I mean, that Santa can make it at a low cost!
We also broke out the trains this week. Travis had a serious Thomas addiction when he was younger. Those things are expensive and since he had a pretty extensive collection I saved all of it. It's a good thing I did because now Connor is at the age of loving trains. Travis has been enjoying putting tracks together for Connor. Connor has enjoyed messing them up. Here are some shots of Connor enjoying the trains. I didn't even mean to get this hair shot!

We also have GeoTracks. Santa brought an extender pack and the boys finally had a chance to check that out as well. Travis is pretty skilled at making some cool arrangements. Here he is hard at work. You can tell this was after 3, he is dressed!

A view from above. Future engineer???

By this time they figured aw heck with the tracks. Making really, really long trains and running them on the tile can be lots of fun too.
I think it is safe to say that the sick day included lots and lots of rest. Travis is feeling much better now. I like the staying home part, not the sick part. Otherwise I would say we should do this more often!
1 comment:
Looks like sick days at your house are for playing with Christmas toys. Ha ha. Hope Travis is feeling better (and that Connor realizes how awesome his hair is).
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