First of all, I have been meaning to post these pictures since the weekend. I left to go to the store and while I was gone I left Daryle with Connor. He started feeding him lunch and when he turned around he found that Connor had fallen asleep in his highchair!! First he had his bottle in his mouth...

After he took out the bottle he turned around and saw this! Priceless and so darn cute!

We have also had a few monsoon storms this week, here the boys are looking our our front window at the wind and rain. The next day or so we had a microburst, our grill blew over, toys flew across the backyard (literally) and we lost out power for about 2 hours. The neighborhood lost a lot of trees and several power lines went down, it was a crazy night for sure.

Well, tomorrow is my "official" last day of summer. Teachers report on Friday and the first day of school is on Wednesday. I will be working until Wednesday and then I am taking some Family Leave time to be home with Connor. We still have
dr appointments to attend and I am hoping to get him
circumcised before I go back for good (poor guy, I know!). There are other appointments too plus I just want to have some time with just the two of us before I go back to work. I have the time, so why not? Even though it seems like he has been here a long time, he has only been home a month. I just know that once Friday comes I will be all consumed with getting my room ready and preparing for the new year and a sub for two weeks. I am so lucky that Grammy can watch the boys on Friday and Monday and then Daryle is taking some vacation days next week to be home with the boys too. So, tonight I thought I had better post the last of our "summer vacation" pictures for you to enjoy!
Here is Travis, still enjoying his police man Halloween costume from two years ago! He says he wants to be a police man when he grows up so he can get all the "bad people"... we shall see!

Travis made a "Target parking lot" on our floor...look how it is all lined up so neatly!! A little OCD? It blows me away that we are not biologically related...

Here is one of the ways Connor likes to sleep in his bed...being the baby brother can really tire you out!

Connor LOVES to eat!! He has a great appetite and eats just about anything we give him. So different from his big brother regarding food.

Mr. Travis shows off his new haircut, the barber even made it "spikey" for him. That always means trouble! The look on his face says it all!

Travis thinks he is a budding photographer, so he wanted to take a picture of Connor and I as I was feeding him and putting him down for his nap. He didn't do too bad actually.

Connor just LOVES his Winnie the Pooh bear! His face lights up when he sees it. I found him napping like this the other day, so darn cute. Funny how most of my pictures of him are either in his crib or the high chair....those are the only places where he will stay still long enough to get a good shot!

Well, that about wraps up our summer. As July quickly comes to an end August will be here and we will soon be celebrating 5 years since Travis officially joined our family. I can't believe how time flies! Daryle and I just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary on July 2...I look back and we were just babies then! LOL On your wedding day you always wonder what the future will bring, we had NO idea we would be adopting our children from Russia. I wonder what we would have thought if we had a crystal ball to look into the future that day?? It would have blown us away I am sure!
Travis must be wearing Connor out! They are such good brothers.
Hi Lisa, it's Steph - Jesse's Mom from Travis' tball team. lol You guys look fabulous! I'm so happy Connor is home and everyone is doing so well. Crazy how school is ready to start so soon, isn't it?
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