Thank goodness Connor is healing quickly. The bumps and sores are fading away and he is quickly becoming my happy baby boy again. We had to go back to the lab today to get more blood for Mr. Connor. Since he is so small and they want to run every test under the sun they weren't able to get all the blood on the first trip. So, in we went this morning. The "good" part about going in for a "recollection" is that we got to bump up to be first in line. Finally, something goes our way! Then I took both boys to my classroom, we lasted about an hour. I need to find a way to get up there in the evenings when Daryle is home so I can get something done without having to clean up after two kids. Actually, Travis does pretty well now it is Connor that likes to open up drawers and cabinets and go "exploring"! It keeps Travis busy chasing after him, which is also a good thing. Here are two pictures I took of Connor yesterday, as you can see he is much more cheerful than he was last week!
"How big is Connor?" He raises his arms up and we say "Sooo big!" However, Daryle is quickly teaching him to say "TOUCHDOWN!" Either way, it is pretty cute.

I think he is getting more hair, thank goodness! We still need to do something about the "baby mullet" growing in the back. ;-)
Can you believe it was one month ago today we left to pick up this little guy?? It feels like he has been here for months, he has only been home in AZ for 3 weeks! Amazing how that works. I still look at him with awe and wonder at how he came to be part of our family. We count our blessings every day for both of our sons, we are one lucky family.
Have a great week!
He is just adorable! I am so happy for all of you. I am glad he is feeling better. :)
I'm glad he's healing quickly.
When do you go back to school? If you have time, we should try to get together before then. Send me an e-mail and let me know what your schedule is like.
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