Well, here we are on the first day of school! We can hardly believe Travis is now a First Grader! All I can think about are all the years I spent teaching that grade and now my own child is one of them. ;-) Daryle took the day off, he enjoys walking Travis to school on the first day. This year Connor got to come too! Daryle had a hard time taking his picture because of the sun, fortunately we got a couple at the school too. Lucky me, I had recess duty in the morning so I was available for a picture in the shade! Travis of course fell right off the monkey bars.....onto his back....and began crying....we are thankful there were no broken bones this year!! LOL As you may remember from last year Travis fell off the monkey bars in our backyard just a few days before starting Kindergarten so he started off the year with a cast on his arm. Poor little guy, I think he started having flashbacks because once he saw Daryle he burst into tears! After we calmed him down, one of his "girlfriends" came over and pulled him back onto the playground. Thank goodness that was short lived!! He had a very good first day of school, he even gets to be the line leader this week! He has a wonderful teacher, so I am positive he will be getting off on the right foot.
I seem to have a really nice class as well. Right now I have a sub for the next two weeks so I can stay home with Connor. Today we had a check up and he has grown an inch!! He hasn't gained any weight since our last appointment so we are adding some things into his diet. My poor baby, he also got 5 shots this morning!! Daryle got to come with me to witness how awful it can be. I also have to take him in for more blood work, I will probably try and do that tomorrow. I figured doing that today might be too traumatic for the little guy. Tomorrow we also go to see the Opthamologist to check out his eye area where his birthmark is. I am so glad I have taken off this time, it makes things a little less hectic for me!
1 comment:
I know I just saw Travis, but he looks SO grown up in these pictures!
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